Wolf Creek Facilities & Services


Wolf Creek Facilities & Services

Cheap Flights
Wagner Custome Skis
Most of the facilities at the Wolf Creek ski area are housed within several buildings at the base area. The facilities are reasonably no-frills. This is definitely not a glitzy ski resort where you’ll find ski valets, sleigh rides or massage services. The amenities cover the basics such as ski and snowboard rental, a cafeteria and ski school.

Wolf Creek Ski Rentals

Wolf Creek ski rentals and snowboard rentals are available at the ski resort, in South Fork and in Pagosa Springs. For those wanting to rent standard ski and snowboard equipment, the prices in all three locations are outrageously cheap.

Wolf Creek Ski Rental is located in the building just across from the ticket office, which rents out standard ski sets as well as demo equipment and telemark gear. Snowboards are rented from the Boaderdome, a tent-like structure next to the day lodge. Overnight storage is available. First timers can rent equipment from the Lynx Building, which is a one-stop shop for beginners.

In South Fork there are a few options for ski and snowboard hire. Doc’s Outdoor Sports (31101 W. Highway 160 South Fork) rent out standard skis, cross country skis, snowboards and snow shoes.

Another option is 8200 Sports with Altitude (named as South Fork sits at an elevation of 8200 feet above sea level) at 30923 W Hwy 160 South Fork. This shop also has a range of packages and fat skis.

There are about four Pagosa Springs ski rental shops. If you’re after a really cheap basic ski package, try Pagosa Ski and Snowboard Rentals.

Wolf Creek Ski School

Wolf Creek offers incredibly affordable ski lessons for children and adults. First timer packages that include a 4 hour lesson and a lift ticket for the Nova lift are particularly inexpensive.

The set up for kids’ lessons is good with the Wolf Pup Center providing a spot where the Wolf Pups (kids aged 5-8) can have lessons, rent skis or snowboard equipment, eat lunch and have snacks.

For children ages 9-12 there are beginner group lessons or the Hot Shots Program.

Facilities for Children

There are no child care facilities at Wolf Creek ski area. There are very inexpensive babysitting services and day care centres in Pagosa Springs.

Eating On Mountain

The Wolf Creek day lodge has a self-service cafeteria serving the usual fried fare, hamburgers, sandwiches, soups and some salads, as well as hot and cold drinks. On nice days you can sit outside on the deck, and sometimes they fire up a grill and cook burgers that can be accompanied by an array of toppings.

The Prospector Grill behind the ticket office serves up an array of fast food and is particularly popular for breakfast.

The Raven’s Nest is a beautiful glass building located at the top of the Raven Chairlift, which offers a couple of options for food. A coffee shop sits at the top of the Treasure Stoke chair lift, whilst the base of the Alberta lift has a basic grill.

Brown baggers have a dedicated picnic building “Base Camp” where they sell snacks and beverages.

Health & Altitude Sickness

Wolf Creek ski area doesn’t have formal medical facilities, just a first aid room serviced by the ski patrollers. Hopefully you won’t have to visit the first aid room for altitude sickness considering that Wolf Creek is a high elevation resort with an altitude of 10,300 feet at the base and 11,900 feet at the summit. If you’re not acclimatised to the altitude don’t go hiking (especially to Horseshoe Bowl!), drink plenty of water, and don’t turn up to Wolf Creek with a hang-over or you’ll pay for it bad!