Powderhounds does not collect, sell, exchange, or release any personal information .
What information does Powderhounds collect from our users and how do we collect it?Powderhounds only contacts individuals who specifically request that we do so.
What are cookies and how do we use them? Cookies help track a person's "session" while online. They are used on our site to gather basic tracking information and to monitor the presentation of advertisements. Cookies are not related to any personally identifiable information and are not used to retrieve information from your computer that was not originally sent in a cookie. In some instances, advertisers will set cookies on our site. These cookies are not related to any personally identifiable information that we have collected but are for monitoring and tracking ad impressions. Many browsers are set to accept cookies. You may prefer to set your browser to refuse cookies. It is possible, however, that some areas of the site will not function properly if you do so.
This policy may be changed at any time at our discretion..
If you have any questions or concerns regarding our privacy policy please direct them to