Driving to Mt Baw Baw

Driving to Mt Baw Baw

Tenjindaira Backcountry Tours
Wagner Custome Skis

Where is Mt Baw Baw Ski Resort?

Mt Baw Baw Ski Resort is 156km east of Melbourne or 177km from Melbourne via the Princes Highway. Mount Baw Baw is 68km north of Moe in Gippsland, and 49km east of the town of Noojee.

Driving to Mount Baw Baw

Driving from Melbourne to Mt Baw Baw takes about 2.5 hours, depending on which part of Melbourne you’re heading from. There are 3 different route options for driving to Mt Baw Baw from Melbourne:
  1. Via Neerim South – drive up the Princes Highway then turn off near Drouin. The last part of the road from Tanjil Bren is called the Tourist Rd. This is a narrow and winding road.
  2. Via Rawson – drive up the Princes Highway and turn off at Moe if coming from the west, or turn off at Traralgon if coming from the east. The last part of the route is the South Face Rd with a 27km section of unsealed road but it’s less windy and wider compared with the Tourist Rd.
  3. Via Lilydale and Yarra Junction – this is ideal if coming from the eastern suburbs of Melbourne. The last part of the drive from Noojee is the same as route 1.
There is no petrol station on-mountain at Mt Baw Baw, so fill up before you arrive.

Resort entry fees apply, which are extraordinarily high considering the amount of infrastructure and services on offer. The Baw Baw fees are the same as Falls Creek and Hotham that have much bigger villages, extensive ski patrol services, and offer free transport around the villages. Go figure.

See the driving to the Victorian ski fields page for information on driving in the snow tips.

Wheel Chains

It is a requirement to have chains in your vehicle, if even if they don’t need to be fitted. Chains are available for hire at the Mt Baw Resort Resort Gate where they also offer a chain fitting service. Otherwise you can hire chains at shops in Erica, Noojee, Neerim South, Tanjil Bren and Icy Creek.

Car Parking

Cars are not allowed in the Mt Baw Baw village so overnight guests will need to haul gear between the car park and your accommodation. At least this is better than Mt Buller and Falls Creek where getting to your accommodation is time consuming and costly.

Day car parking is close to the village, so it’s relatively easy to get to the slopes.

Buses to Mt Baw Baw

The resort offers a daily shuttle from Moe train station (and Moe McDonalds), but when you combine the train travel time plus the shuttle plus the wait time between the two, it takes a while to get to Mt Baw Baw.

Sometimes bus companies will run special day trips or charters from Melbourne or other locations.

Alternatively, there are private transfers to Mt Baw Baw available from Melbourne or Melbourne Airport. These are in a 4WD vehicle and very pricy.